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The Birth of a New Blog

This is how I imagine myself when I'm writing a new post

Welcome one and all to my new corner of the interwebs. My previous soapbox, "Upon His Holy Mountain" has served me well for the past several years, but the time has come to move on and to upgrade.

Among the primary reasons for the change are the boundaries of my old site and the format. By boundaries, I mean the topics I discussed were set in a rather narrow confine of theology, liturgy and culture. While I love these three things, sometimes a man needs to just, well, muse and put out something random that might not relate to those three areas directly. Granted, everything does come back to theology, liturgy and culture but I do prefer the site's theme to be more open-ended and general.

With regards to the format, the reality is that Blogger is not as capable as several other free hosting services (Weebly, Wix, etc). It's time for a new look, a new theme and new discussions.

The "About" section on the site lists the three words that describe my purpose here, so I will simply direct you there and say the purpose of my blog is threefold, to read, think, roar.

I sincerely hope you find something useful in my thoughts on life, literature and the pursuit of manliness.

Soli Deo Gloria

D. Mattaniah Gibson

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